
Space Programming and Planning

Space programming is an industry tool used to determine your current and proposed short and long-term area needs. It helps assist in determining the proper space requirements that fit your needs today as well as in the future. Space programming and planning allow us to provide the basis to establish a variety of floor plans that provide efficient workflows, eliminating wasted movements while maximizing the exterior view and surroundings.

Architectural Design

Great design sells, while poor design detracts greatly from the value of a property. Because you are making an investment in your future, the design of your location should always have strong curb appeal. As part of your team, we'll manage your architect or utilize ours to guarantee a product that fits both the needs of your company while offering the benefits of a long-term real estate investment.

Building System and Product Selection

The building you purchase is only as strong as the materials that it is created with. A well-designed building requires the proper system and product selections. Because there are many good, better, and best options available, you need to have the proper information before making these important selections. We can help you easily navigate through these options.

Interior and Furniture Design

Your interior image reflects on you and your practice. It visually indicates whether you are conservative, trendy, or on the leading edge. Your furniture and furnishings need to be properly integrated into the interior design. We can manage the process and provide recommendations for consultants that are trained to give you the image you are searching for.

Contact HRES at 248-514-9197 or submit the form below to request a consultation.