Land and Building Purchases

Buyer Representation

Our independent and unbiased approach provides you with the right options and leverage to pursue your land or building purchase. In addition, we help identify, compare, evaluate, and review other critical factors that affect the site conditions, land planning, building systems and design, municipal, and other issues to help you make the right decision for your business now and in the future.

Purchase Agreement

Let us help secure the property that you have targeted with a detailed agreement that is fair for both you and the seller. We will make sure the agreement is constructed to provide solid legal language that gives you the necessary flexibility needed during the due diligence period prior to property closing.

Contract Negotiations

You may have heard the old cliché, "You make money when you buy real estate, not when you sell." Price is paramount, and so are the terms of the agreement. Additional considerations can include seller financing, due diligence time, title issues, 1031 language, closing costs, and more. Your best option is to let Healthcare Real Estate Services negotiate the right deal so you can save money on your purchase.


The goal of most real estate closings is to be anticlimactic and non-eventful. However, a system of checks and balances needs to be in place in the form of an item checklist to make sure your interests are protected. These items may include title insurance, easement reviews, proper closing costs, municipal reviews, property tax reviews, assessments, and other related items. It is important to remember that once the property is purchased, you inherit any past liability. As your partner, Healthcare Real Estate Services will advise you on any potential risks and offer solutions to move forward.

Contact HRES at 248-514-9197 or submit the form below to request a consultation.